Tuesday, April 10, 2012

By: Scooby Constitution protected

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla., April 9, UPI)-representative of the Florida lawyers charged with fraud and Scooby conspiracy says the family is protected by the freedom of religion and free speech.

Nine members, the prediction of the Fort Lauderdale family, the dignity of the Roma, led by Rose marks were arrested in August in a federal fraud conspiracy charges and confusion of defrauding their clients for 40 million dollars, the South Florida Sun Sentinel reported Sunday.

Nine members of the family are free, but is prohibited, the fortune will tell you, or is employed in the spiritual healers, while they are awaiting a trial.

Now the defense lawyers try to get rejected the proposed November test date before charges, claimed members of the family, was correct in practice, fortune, and spiritual healing says, because it is a part of the religious beliefs of the Constitution and that the fortune is about the freedom of expression is protected.

"Nancy marks, on the basis of his religion, and friends," attorney Michael Gottlieb wrote in a 24-page legal document about religious rights. "Based on this, the prosecution, the defendant has lost his income and has not been able to make use of his historic religious and spiritual gifts to the living."

His request was rejected by the family payments, as compared to the Gottlieb "religious teachers, preachers, and healers and demon chasers" evangelists and psychic friends network, which televised shows that often ask for donations.

"Still does not have these people. .. it will take on a continuous basis for the title of the Shrew in the exercise of their faith or Gypsy simply training the selected part. Nor are they subject to persecution and prosecution of the mustattu and espousing beliefs and economic ... even when their forecasts are short, I miss the mark, or the other genuinely accepted beliefs, "Gottlieb wrote.

Prosecutors have not yet responded to the request, and the judge is expected to decide after hearing from both sides in the next several weeks.

View the original article here

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