Friday, March 16, 2012

New York personal injury attorneys Barasch & McGarry to standby heroes of 9/11-PR Web (press release)

New York, NY (PRWEB) March 15, 2012

The New York injury lawyers of Barasch McGarry Salzman & Penson, in partnership with the heroes of & remain Kreindler Kreindler by 9/11, pledging not to give up of all World Trade Center first responder clients. As reported by the New York Post, Worby Groner Edelman has the Napoli Bern Law Firm (WGENB) advised its customers that not being able to represent them for claims under the federal victim compensation fund (VCF), which was reopened by the Zadroga Act. Kreindler have teamed up to offer their Barasch and combined experience and resources to help a former WGENB client that was injured or sick due to exposure to the toxic Ground Zero dust and air.

Barasch McGarry lawyers have almost $ 1 billion on behalf of more than 1,500 first responders from the original VCF restored. Similarly, Kreindler has recovered hundreds of millions of dollars of Kreindler & the first VCF on behalf of their clients. Barasch McGarry partner Michael Barasch and Noah Kreindler, a partner with Kreindler Kushlefsky &, often with WTC VCF to plead on behalf of the Special Master Sheila Birnbaum WTC first responder Community meet. As members of the pride of the Feal good foundation legal team, they lobbied Congress pass the Zadroga Act and are now helping the Ministry of justice the rules so they are as honestly as possible.

The Zadroga 9/11 health and Compensation Act 2010 was named in honor of first responder NYPD detective James Zadroga, a respiratory disease caused by a who died inhaling toxic substance WTC. Congress has provided $ 4.2 billion for the financing of health care and compensation benefits intended for those who became sick or disabled, and to the families who have loved ones in relation to exposure to toxins Ground Zero lost.

The partnership of Barasch Kreindler and have assured that the clients transferred by Special Master Birnbaum WGENB won't get their medical records, they too are depreciated fees for the seamless transfer of their files.

According to Michael Barasch, the customers must ask each potential lawyer WGENB "one question-how much experience you have when it first opened treatment VCF cases Fund of 2001-2003? Understand how much work goes into too few lawyers preparing a claim correctly to ensure that the victim what he or she has the right gets on. "

The most common diseases are covered by the Zadroga Fund asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), interstitial lung disease and more. The partnership is also fighting cancer Barasch and included as a covered Kreindler injury.

For more information about eligible for compensation and assistance filing a claim, contact Barasch McGarry Salzman on wtc (at) & Penson firelaw (dot) com.

About Barasch McGarry Salzman & Penson
The law firm of & represented more than 1,500 Barasch McGarry Salzman Penson firefighters and other Ground Zero workers who claims placed with the original VCF. The firm currently represents more than 2,000 first responders with hanging Zadroga Fund claims.

Barasch McGarry Salzman is a of New York's most prominent & Penson companies focus on the areas of personal injury, wrongful death, medical malpractice and firefighter rights. Best known as the company that represented James Zadroga compensation in his fight for the respiratory illness that he contracted because of his work at Ground Zero and for her efforts to pass the Zadroga Act lobbying Congress VCF, the company enjoys an excellent reputation.

Barasch McGarry attorneys represent victims of all types of accidents critically injured. The company recovered on behalf of injured and deceased rescue workers from the first victim compensation Fund almost 500 million dollars. They have hundreds of millions of dollars for injured clients on trials and in settlements recovered. For more information, see the firms website at

View the original article here

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