Q: How does my small business will be able to find the attorney?
(A): to find the right attorney for small businesses can be difficult. Many lawyers do not have a skilled representative of the struggling new business. Lawyers who deal with primarily consumer protection matters, such as divorce, bankruptcy, personal injury, or the consumer may be less skillful business sector. So how can you find and select the can the attorney?
A good place to start your search is in the Houston lawyer referral service on the Web site www.hlrs.org. HLRS is a non-profit community service, and it provides a free transfer. The lawyer also offer the original 30-minute consultation with a $ 20 in the Office.
The local Chamber of Commerce member list is a lawyer, which are members of the information.
Accountants work with many lawyers and are often a good source of references, as the business of the insurance broker.
Score is the legal background to the management of the economy, providing business sleep, but they may not represent your company's legal matters.
How to choose between the candidates? It is settled case-law that it should be Web-sites, Bützow – which provide a history of experience, the nature of these practices, and some of the customers in the list. If the site detects group policy but does not name, call and ask what the company's lawyer, specialising in small business practice.
After you have identified two or three lawyers who appear to Fit, call and schedule the interview for 15 minutes. Explains that your purpose is to select a new company from a strictly legal point and wait for the provision of legal advice. Many of the Bützow will not charge you for using the introductory session.
Please describe your company's meeting. Find out what kind of business is represented by the attorney general. To discuss the services that need to be immediately and evaluate. Ask what services you may not have considered. Find Where the costs of the project, or a lawyer, and the fees are. Ask if the lawyers to work within the limits of the budget.
Try to assess if the Attorney may be used by the business success or failure. Is the lawyer of the problem Solver? You want someone who will work hard to find solutions to business problems. At the same time to the attorney, which explains the risks and is ready to give you the advice you need, even if you do not want to hear.
RON Consolino is SCORE management Advisor, economic management of America's Small Business, voluntary, not-for-profit association and partner of the United States Small Business Association. Send questions to score37@scorehouston.org.
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