Saturday, March 24, 2012

Zimmerman Counsel rejects the racism claim - MyFox Phoenix

(NewsCore) - a lawyer advises George Zimmerman - Florida the man who shot dead teenager Trayvon Martin in what he claims was legitimate defence - denied Friday that his client was a racist, but light little on what led to the fatal confrontation.

Martin, 17, was shot and killed on February 26 that he was walking in a gated community Sanford where he was staying with his father. Zimmerman claimed he acted in self-defence and was not arrested or charged, leading to a widespread outcry and protests.

Lawyer Craig Sonner said he had not discussed the details of the incident with Zimmerman, but denied allegations of a possible racial slur during a 911 call before Zimmerman and the African-American Martin came into contact.

"I do not think that he did make a racist remark," sound said on CNN, after admitting that he had not heard the call in question. He said that the fact that Zimmerman and his wife had guided children African Americans supported by belief that the young man of 28 years is not racist.

He said that he had advised Zimmerman to cooperate with the new investigation on the incident, launched demonstrations which began in Florida and spread as far as New York.

He welcomed these investigations and said, "we will look at the facts." The ultimate question is that a kind of fight took place. The ultimate question is "was it self-defense?" ?

His comments are come as Attorney of State of Florida Angela Corey - Thursday was appointed by Governor Rick Scott to conduct a new investigation - began gathering evidence in the case. A grand jury is planned to probe the shooting on 10 April, but Corey staff told WFTV Friday that a grand jury cannot be used in the case.

Lead attorney Bernie the Rionda said: "we will get to the truth, one way or another."

"We are going to do three things." First thing is all what has already been done. Second thing is to determine what needs to be done in our opinion. And then we will make a decision. ?

Corey on Jacksonville replaced local Attorney Norm Wolfinger in case and WFTV said that several sources have confirmed that the police had recommended the original charges of manslaughter against Zimmerman, but that Wolfinger had not acted on their advice.

The Rionda would not confirm the request, saying: "I will not confirm or deny anything."

Head of the Sanford police, Bill Lee, was cancelled Thursday, claiming that he had become a "distraction" to the investigation.

Scott also announced the creation of a working group to study how an incident as Martin's death can be avoided in the future, while the Department of Justice civil rights division is also investigating the incident.

The case also has a focus and criticism, the right to "Stand Your Ground" of Florida, that allows a person to use the deadly force when it is threatened, without trying to retreat.

Asked about the law Friday, former Governor of Florida Jeb Bush said, according to FOX News Channel, "I think it's a good idea to review the laws."

"In this particular case, based on my limited knowledge, it seems to me that this Act does not apply to this situation." Stand means that your stand your ground soil that does not chase after someone who has turned his back. ?

He has added, "with the grand jury investigation, investigation of the Ministry of Justice in place, the fact that the Chief of police took part, the process is in place today and we will have the facts shortly."

View the original article here

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